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3 kg of water at 35 Celsius are placed in a piston under 4.335 MPa (state 1). Heat is added to the water at c=p until the piston reaches a stop at a total volume of 0.55 m3 (state 2).

3 kg of water at 35 Celsius are placed in a piston under 4.335 MPa (state 1). Heat is added to the water at c=p until the piston reaches a stop at a total volume of 0.55 m3 (state 2). Most heat is added at constant volume until the temperature of water reaches 425 C (state 3). Determine the quality of fluid and the mass of the vapor at state 2, and pressure of the fluid at state 3.

3 kg of water at 35 Celsius are placed in a piston under 4.335 MPa (state 1). Heat is added to the water at c=p until the piston reaches a stop at a total volume of 0.55 m3 (state 2). Most heat is added at constant volume until the temperature of water reaches 425 C (state 3). Determine the quality of fluid and the mass of the vapor at state 2, and pressure of the fluid at state 3.

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