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Aerodynamics FAA & PHAK Questions Exam

Upon reading the Pilot Handbook about Aerodynamics Flight, here are some Aerodynamics questions for a review:

  1. FAA Regulations:
    • FAA regulations are listed under Title 14, entitled _.
    • A. Aeronautics and Space
    • B. Air Traffic Control
    • C. Aviation Standards
    • D. Aircraft Certification
    • Answer: A. Aeronautics and Space
  2. Certification of Aviation Products:
    • The FAA certifies three types of aviation products which are _.
    • A. Aircraft
    • B. Engines
    • C. Propellers
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D. All of the above
  3. Function of Trim Tab:
    • Functions as a trim tab to relieve control pressures and helps maintain the stabilator in the desired position.
    • Answer: Not provided.
  4. Anti-Servo Tabs:
    • Moves in the same direction of the elevator.
    • Answer: A. Anti-Servo Tabs
  5. Servo Tabs:
    • Moves in the opposite direction of the elevator.
    • Answer: B. Servo Tabs
  6. Conventional Landing Gear:
    • Conventional landing gear is also known as _.
    • Answer: C. Tail wheel
  7. Steering Aircraft:
    • Most aircraft are steered by moving the _.
    • A. Ailerons
    • B. Elevator
    • C. Rudder pedals
    • D. Flaps
    • Answer: C. Rudder pedals
  8. Chemical Paint Strippers on Composites:
    • Chemical paint strippers are very harmful to composites. What should be used for paint removal from composites?
    • Answer: Only mechanical methods are allowed, such as gentle grit blasting or sanding.
  9. Lightning Strike Protection:
    • Lightning strike protection for composite aircraft includes _.
    • A. Aluminum structure – good conductor
    • B. Mesh woven sa strux
    • C. Static wicks
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D. All of the above
  10. Effect of High Density Altitude:
    • The relation of high density altitude in temperature and humidity includes _.
    • A. High temperatures
    • B. High humidity
    • C. Low temperatures
    • D. Low humidity
    • Answer: A. High temperatures
  11. Stagnation Point:
    • At a point close to the leading edge, the airflow is virtually stopped (called _) and then gradually increases speed.
    • Answer: Stagnation point
  12. Negative Pressure on Upper Wing Surface:
    • The _ pressure on the upper surface creates a relatively larger force on the wing than is caused by the positive pressure resulting from the air striking the lower wing surface.
    • Answer: Negative
  13. Center of Pressure:
    • Aerodynamic force acts through the center of _.
    • Answer: Center of Pressure (CP)
  14. Reducing Downwash:
    • How to reduce downwash?
    • A. Winglets
    • B. Tapered tip
    • Answer: A. Winglets
  1. AOA for Level Flight at Low Speed:
    • To maintain level flight at low speed, the AOA should be _.
    • Answer: High
  2. Changes in Drag at High AOA:
    • At high AOA, small changes in the AOA cause _ in drag.
    • Answer: High changes in drag. (Because it reached stalling angle)
  3. Induced Drag with Increased Airspeed:
    • As airspeed increases, the induced drag _.
    • Answer: Decreases (Based on drag vs. velocity curve)
  4. Interference Drag with Larger Angle:
    • Larger angle (between aircraft parts) = _ interference drag.
    • Answer: Lower (mas malayo mas okay)
  5. Causes of Boundary Layer:
    • Causes of boundary layer include _.
    • A. Flow separation
    • B. Stall
    • C. Both A and B
    • D. None of the above
    • Answer: C. Both A and B
  6. Induced Downwash vs. Downwash:
    • Induced downwash has nothing in common with the downwash that is necessary to produce lift. It is, in fact, the source of induced drag.
    • Answer: Not provided.
  7. Position of Lift Vector with Less Downwash:
    • When the CG is forward of the CP, there is a natural tendency for the aircraft to want to pitch nose _.
    • Answer: Down
  8. Effect of Ground Effect on Climb:
    • At ground effect, if a constant AOA is maintained, = _ effect on CL.
    • Answer: Increase
  9. Aircraft Stability in Pitching:
    • Aircraft pitching has stability at _.
    • Answer: Longitudinal Stability
  10. Axis for Longitudinal Stability:
    • Longitudinal stability is the quality that makes an aircraft stable about its _.
    • Answer: Lateral axis
  11. Tail Load in Longitudinal Stability:
    • Downwash from the wing creates a nose _ pitching moment on the tail, which helps to keep the aircraft longitudinally stable.
    • Answer: Up (Downward tail load)
  12. Tail Load to Counteract Wing Downwash:
    • What is the tail load needed to counteract wing downwash?
    • Answer: Downward tail load
  13. Thrust Line Position:
    • Is the thrust line above or below CG?
    • Answer: Above
  14. Effect of Keel Effect on Lateral Stability:
    • How does keel effect affect lateral stability?
    • Answer: When a high-winged aircraft is disturbed and one wing dips, the fuselage weight acts like a pendulum returning the aircraft to the horizontal level.
  15. Center of Pressure vs. CG:
    • A longitudinally stable aircraft is built with the center of pressure _ of the CG.
    • Answer: Aft (Nasa harap ang CG.)
  16. Dutch Roll and Lateral Stability:
    • _ lateral stability = _ directional stability.
    • Answer: Strong – weak
  17. Adverse Aileron Yaw:
    • The drag difference on the two wings produces yawing opposite to a moment of rolling, known as _.
    • Answer: Adverse aileron yaw
  18. Counteracting Adverse Yaw:
    • How to counteract adverse yaw (yaw left, roll right)?
    • A. Rudder deflection
    • B. Differential aileron (up aileron deflects more than down aileron)
    • C. Spoiler deflection
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D. All of the above
  19. Proverse Yaw:
    • Spoiler def

lection also increases drag, so the wing yaws in the same direction that it rolls. It is called _.
Answer: Proverse yaw

  1. Counteracting Dutch Roll:
    • How to counter Dutch roll?
    • Answer: Yaw dampers
  2. AOA Difference in Biplane Wings:
    • Difference in AOA of top and bottom wing in a biplane is known as _.
    • Answer: Decalage
  3. Difference in Distance in Biplane Wings:
    • Difference in the distance of the top and bottom wing of a biplane is known as _.
    • Answer: Stagger
  4. Preserving Elliptical Wing Efficiency:
    • In order to preserve the aerodynamic efficiency of the elliptical wing, rectangular and tapered wings are sometimes tailored through the use of wing _ and variation in airfoil sections until they provide as nearly as possible the elliptical wing’s lift distribution.
    • Answer: Twist
  5. Bank Turn with Horizontal Lift > Centrifugal Force:
    • A bank turn where horizontal lift > centrifugal force is known as _.
    • Answer: Slipping turn
  6. Bank Turn with CF > Horizontal Lift:
    • A bank turn where CF > horizontal lift is known as _.
    • Answer: Skidding turn
  7. Climbing with Constant AOA:
    • If lift in steady level flight is the same as the lift in steady climb, what is needed to climb?
    • Answer: Thrust excess (Power excess)
  8. Absolute Ceiling:
    • Aircraft are able to sustain a climb due to excess thrust. When the excess thrust is gone, the aircraft is no longer able to climb. At this point, the aircraft has reached its _.
    • Answer: Absolute Ceiling
  9. Stalling Wing Root First:
    • How to stall wing root first?
    • A. Positive AOA or wash in sa roots
    • B. Stall strips sa roots
    • Answer: B. Stall strips sa roots
  10. Aerodynamic Balance with Aft CG:
    • To balance the aircraft aerodynamically, the CL is normally located aft of the CG. Although this makes the aircraft inherently nose-heavy, _ on the horizontal stabilizer counteracts this condition.
    • Answer: Downwash
  11. Thicker Airfoil and Stall AOA:
    • Thicker airfoil = stall AOA _.
    • Answer: Higher
  12. Climb Propeller:
    • Propeller type with low blade angle, often called a climb propeller, provides the best performance for takeoff and climb.
    • Answer: Fixed pitch propeller
  13. Cruise Propeller:
    • Propeller with a high blade angle, often called a cruise propeller, is adapted for high-speed cruise and high-altitude flight.
    • Answer: Constant pitch
  14. Controllable-Pitch vs. Constant-Speed Propellers:
    • Difference between controllable-pitch propellers and constant-speed propellers.
    • Answer: Controllable – manual change, constant speed – automatic to maintain rpm
  15. Higher Pitch Angle at Blade Root:
    • This propeller blade has a higher pitch angle/twist than the other.
    • Answer: Blade root – high pitch angle = low V
  16. Propeller Efficiency:
    • This efficiency is the ratio of thrust horsepower to brake horsepower.
    • Answer: Propeller efficiency
  17. Aircraft Turning at High Speed:
    • Aircraft turning at high speed results in _ turn rate.
    • Answer: Slower (draw arc)
  18. Compensating for Added Centrifugal Force:
    • This compensates for added centrifugal force, allowing the load factor to remain the same.
    • Answer: Load factors can also be measured by an instrument called accelerometer
  19. Full Application of Controls at Maneuvering Speed:
    • Full application of pitch, roll, or yaw controls should be confined to speeds below the _.
    • Answer: Va (Maneuvering speed)
  20. Maximum Performance Climbing Turn:
    • The maximum performance climbing turn beginning from approximately straight-and-level flight and ending at the completion of a precise 180° turn in a wings-level, nose-high attitude at the minimum controllable airspeed is known as _.
    • Answer: Chandelles
  21. Limit Load:
    • The _ is a force applied to an aircraft that causes a bending of the aircraft structure that does not return to the original shape.
    • Answer: Limit Load
  22. Ultimate Load:
    • Load factor applied to the aircraft beyond the limit load and at which point the aircraft material experiences structural failure (breakage) is known as _.
    • Answer: Ultimate Load
  23. Stall Speed with Forward CG:
    • Forward CG = _ stall speed.
    • Answer: Faster (FF)
  24. Recovery Difficulty with Aft CG:
    • The recovery from a stall in any aircraft becomes progressively more difficult as its CG moves _.
    • Answer: Aft
  25. Stalling Speed with Forward CG:
    • The aircraft stalls at a higher speed with a _ CG.
    • Answer: Forward
  26. Cruising Speed with Aft CG:
    • The aircraft cruises faster with an _ CG location.
    • Answer: AFT
  27. Effect of Reduced Drag with Aft CG:
    • Because of reduced drag. The drag is reduced because a smaller AOA and less downward deflection of the stabilizer are required to support the aircraft and overcome the nose-down pitching tendency.
    • Answer: Not provided.
  28. Delaying Shock Wave Induced Flow Separation:
    • Used to delay or prevent shock wave-induced boundary layer separation encountered in transonic flight.
    • Answer: Vortex Generators
  29. Shock Wave:
    • Forms as a boundary between the supersonic and subsonic ranges.
    • Answer: Shock wave
  30. Wave Drag:
    • The drag incurred in the transonic region due to shock wave formation and airflow separation is known as _.
    • Answer: Wave drag
  31. Effect of Downwash on Horizontal Tail:
    • Thus, an increase in downwash _ the horizontal tail’s pitch control effectiveness.
    • Answer: Decreases
  32. Nose Down Effect at Transonic Region:
    • At the transonic region, the aircraft will nose down, known as _.
    • Answer: Mach tuck
  33. Delaying Shock Wave Induced Flow Separation (Alternate Method):
    • How to delay shock wave-induced flow separation?
    • Answer: Swept-back wing theory – air flow perpendicular to the LE is slower, thus the aircraft can go faster without the formation of a shockwave.
  34. Decrease in Static Lateral Stability:
    • Which type of wing arrangement decreases the static lateral stability of an aeroplane?
    • A. Increased wing span
    • B. Anhedral
    • Answer: Anhedral

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