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Centrifugal pump operating under steady flow conditions delivers 2,270 kg/min of water from an initial pressure of 82,740 Pa

Thermodynamics Practice Problem

Centrifugal pump operating under steady flow conditions delivers 2,270 kg/min of water (water rho= 1000 kg/m^3)  from an initial pressure of 82,740 Pa to a final pressure of 275,800 Pa. The diameter of the inlet pipe to the pump is  15.24 cm and the diameter of the discharge pipe is 10.16 cm. What is work in (kJ/min)? Assume mass is equal to  1kgm, and mass flow rate = (density x area x velocity).

Centrifugal pump operating under steady flow conditions delivers 2,270 kg/min of water (water rho= 1000 kg/m^3)  from an initial pressure of 82,740 Pa to a final pressure of 275,800 Pa. The diameter of the inlet pipe to the pump is  15.24 cm and the diameter of the discharge pipe is 10.16 cm. What is work in (kJ/min)? Assume mass is equal to  1kgm, and mass flow rate = (density x area x velocity).

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