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Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Creativity

  1. What is your deep contrast between creativity and innovation? 

Creativity is the step needed to produce innovation. It is one of the ingredients to make innovation were in a set of creativity, critical thinking, decision-making skills, adequate plan, resources, and other requirements combined together to produce innovation.

  1. What do you think is the contribution of Intelligence when it comes to Innovation since it was near concomitant in creativity? 

As I have stated in the previous question, to be able to produce innovation, an entrepreneur needs a lot of requirements to make it work and it includes intelligence. A person’s intelligence made the innovation process smoothly and less likely to produce error, thus, it saves time and money. It is also clinically proven that intelligent people tend to be more innovative than others.

To be an innovative entrepreneur, he/she must be knowledgeable of the following:

  • Innovation and Invention
    • The entrepreneur must find ways to overcome problems such as generating new ideas to produce innovative products that the customers need. The ideas must differ from the competitors that give the company advantages. 
    • The entrepreneur can improve the existing products to match the customers’ demand. Also, they can create products or services that are new to the public eye.
    • Ideas generated can be the solution to the customers’ problem for them to be engaged to their products or services.

The diagram above pertains to the following:

  • NOVEL: New products and services are considered inventions and if not new, it might be an optimization of an existing product/service.
  • SOLUTION: Entrepreneurs’ products or services must solve the customers’ problems.
  • ART: If the idea is not to solve economic problems, it might be considered as an art and it is still valuable.
  • VALUE: Innovations have values. Inventions also lead to the creation of values by relating them to innovation.

Innovation is a process and has uncertain outcomes. As long as the entrepreneur is seeking to create values by solving problems and giving novel solutions, the entrepreneurial process has a higher chance of success and leads to better opportunities.

Generating feasible ideas is a part of the process of any entrepreneurial venture. Ideas must undergo some process such as brainstorming, comprehensive, and analysis to examine if it is feasible and economically justifiable.  

  1. What characteristics you must have to be a Social Entrepreneur someday?

Here are the lists of characteristics to be a social entrepreneur:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Being optimistic, innovative, and responsible
  • Willingness to take risks and face challenges
  • Care for the environment and the economic growth of the country
  • Ability to maximize the use of technology to provide to the communities

  1. Give at least 3 famous Social Entrepreneur in the Philippines.
  • Charlene Tan, the founder of Good Food Corporation, promotes an innovative food system that focuses on ecological farming to change the world.

They help local farmers with their operations and do programs to raise awareness about the importance of the ecosystems.

  • Allister Roy Chua, the founder of Roots Collective PH, aims to help the communities promote local products for everyday life.
  • Angie Ipong is a famous social entrepreneur in the country that promotes helping the farmers with their rights. 
  • Zenaida Soriano spends 20 years of her life supporting her organization named “Amihan Women,” aiming to help women farmers to gain their social rights.
  1. Discuss one important Mindset of a Social Entrepreneur.
  • Social entrepreneurs focus on the execution based on ethical and environmental considerations to achieve the best results. This action is made for marginalized people to gain adequate sustainability. Getting hands-on in the execution process will build a long-term relationship with stakeholders to achieve systematic change.
  1. How important is Ethical behaviours in any organizations?
  • Right ethical behaviours make the relationship among the organization and its employees harmonize with each other. Thus, resulting in more effective operations. It also helps to figure out the relation of the organization to society by thinking about the communities and environment and how they can help develop it. Ethical behaviours are the unwritten rules to guide people about what is acceptable and unacceptable.
  1. Describe an incident of Unethical Practices, what is your recommendation to stop these illegal activities?
  • Some businesses like the Aristocrat Restaurant, Gloria Maris Restaurant, and a water treatment facility near Manila Bay are temporarily closed by DENR last 2019 due to environmental law violation of RA 9275 Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources found that they have been discharging pollutive wastewater to Manila Bay.
  • To stop this unethical and illegal activity, the companies should adopt the comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program provided by the DENR. They should obey the environmental laws to protect the water resources.
  1. Give any Sustainable Development projects by our government or any private organizations.
  • Pentatonic, A European mobilizer firm, makes all its furnishings from the trash after consumption to continue reusing the materials.  The company recycle its own goods and bring them to the product’s supply chain. 
  • Method, A soap company, introduced an ocean-based, recycled plastic dish and hand soap to raise awareness about the global wastes. 
  1. How important is the concepts of Sustainable Development to you?
  • Sustainable development satisfies the needs of the present world without endangering the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs.  To conserve the planet’s wealth, sustainable development has continued to grow and its genuine purpose to manage world resources. 
  • With this, the economic projects made by the government and private institutions satisfies all needs without leaving future generations with less natural resources than the present time. Sustainable development minimizes the depletion of natural resources when creating new opportunities.

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