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Importance of Emergency Plan & Preparedness

What is an Emergency Plan?

An emergency plan is a document that outlines the actions to be taken in the event of a disaster or other emergency. It can be as simple as a list of phone numbers and addresses, or it may include more detailed information about what to do in case of different types of emergencies.
An emergency plan should be written down and kept with you at all times so that it’s accessible when needed. You should also make sure that everyone who lives with you knows where your copy is kept, so they can use it if necessary without having to search for yours (or vice versa).

Why Are Emergency Plans Important?

Emergency plans are important because they provide a sense of security and reduce the risk of harm. They also prepare people for potential disasters, so that they know what to do if one occurs.
Emergency plans can help you:

  • Feel safer in an emergency situation by knowing what to expect and what steps you need to take.
  • Reduce the likelihood that your family will be harmed by having an evacuation plan in place before disaster strikes (i.e., if there’s a fire).

How to Create an Emergency Plan

To create an emergency plan, you’ll first need to identify the potential risks in your area. This can be done by looking at historical data from natural disasters and other events that have occurred in the past. You should also consider any other potential hazards, such as earthquakes or tornadoes. Once you’ve identified these risks for your community and household, develop strategies for each one–these could include evacuation routes or plans for sheltering-in-place during an earthquake or tornado warning (if there is no time for evacuation).
Next step: set up a communication plan with everyone who lives in or visits your home regularly (friends/family members) so they know how best to contact each other during an emergency situation; this includes cell phone numbers and email addresses if possible!

Involving the Community in Emergency Planning

The first step in any emergency plan is to educate the public. It’s important to inform them about what they need to do in case of an emergency, and how they can help themselves and others. You can do this by holding community meetings where you discuss what types of emergencies could happen in your area, how they would be handled if they did occur, and what steps people should take before or during an emergency.

Next comes creating a support network: identifying individuals who can assist you with various tasks during an emergency (such as helping injured people). These individuals will also serve as resources for information on what’s going on outside your immediate area so that you know whether or not it’s safe for you personally still being there when things settle down again. Finally establishing an emergency response team–a group consisting largely of volunteers but also including some paid professionals such as doctors/nurses–to handle specific situations such as fires or medical emergencies within their own homes

The Benefits of Community Involvement

  • The community has valuable insight into the local environment and resources. They can provide information on what to expect during an emergency, such as the availability of food, shelter and water.
  • A well-developed plan will be more effective at addressing the needs of your community during an emergency.
  • When people work together towards a common goal they build stronger relationships that last long after an event has passed.

Developing an Emergency Response Team

  • Identify key personnel. Your emergency response team should include members who are familiar with the building, its occupants and their needs, as well as those who have access to critical information about the facility and its operations.
  • Establish roles and responsibilities. The team leader will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of an emergency response plan–from initial notification through deployment of resources, evacuation procedures, search-and-rescue operations (if necessary), and other tasks required during an actual crisis situation at your workplace or school site. Other members may specialize in specific areas such as fire safety training or medical care; it’s important that everyone understands his/her role within this structure so that all tasks can be completed efficiently once an actual incident occurs.* Create a training program.* Train all staff members on proper evacuation procedures before they ever need them!

Creating an Emergency Response Plan

  • Identify the steps to take.
  • Identify resources.
  • Establish a timeline for each step of your plan, and make sure it’s realistic for your situation.

Testing the Emergency Response Plan

  • Conduct drills.
  • Assess the plan.
  • Identify areas for improvement.

Maintaining the Emergency Plan

  • Review the plan regularly.
  • Update the plan as needed.
  • Monitor for changes in the environment and make adjustments accordingly, such as adding or removing people from your emergency contact list, updating contact information, or revising evacuation routes based on new construction near your home or office building.


As you can see, emergency plans are an essential part of any business. Whether it’s a small business or a large corporation, everyone needs to know how they will handle an emergency situation.
If you have not yet developed an emergency plan for your company, now is the time! It’s never too late to get started on one and there are many resources available online that can help guide you through the process. Once you’ve created your plan, make sure that everyone knows where it is stored and how they can access it in case of an emergency.
Finally, I’d like to leave off with this reminder: Don’t forget about community involvement! When disaster strikes anywhere in the world (and especially here at home), we must all come together as one community–no matter what race or ethnicity we belong to–to support each other during times like these.”

  1. Why do we need to prepare an emergency plan? What is its importance? 

We need an emergency plan to analyze unnoticed dangerous conditions that would expose people to more risk. Emergency plan works to eliminate those risks and reveal flaws and conditions that can be addressed as early as possible. Emergency plan aims to raise our awareness and secure our safety.

  1. Is there a one size fit all emergency plan? Explain. 

There is no one size fit all emergency plan because one disaster/emergency plan differs from others such as its objectives, related hazards and risks assessment, resources, and equipment available, emergency services, and geographical risks.

For example, the emergency plan of Tokyo, Japan for earthquake is different from the emergency plan of Manila, Philippines for fire disasters. The people in Tokyo cannot eliminate the earthquake attacks but the people in Manila can reduce the chances of having fire disasters.

  1. In your family, do you have an emergency plan? If yes, discuss it below. If no, create an emergency plan fit for your family. 

Our emergency plan is discussed below:

  • In case of earthquakes inside the house, take cover under the table and go outside as soon as the earthquake stops.
  • Make sure to turn down the source of electricity to reduce risks of fire.
  • In case of emergencies outside the house and we’re not in the same place together, our phones must have a load balance so we can contact each other.
  • Our important documents are stored in a secured file case so that we can grab it and go outside the house in case of fire emergencies.
  • We also have an emergency back door.

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