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The rocketdyne F1 engine is a gas generator cycle rocket engine used in the Saturn V

The rocketdyne F1 engine is a gas generator cycle rocket engine used in the Saturn V rocket which served as the launch vehicle of the Apollo program. The F1 uses Lox and RP 1 as its propellant. The rocket has the following characteristics.

The rocketdyne F1 engine is a gas generator cycle rocket engine used in the Saturn V rocket which served as the launch vehicle of the Apollo program. The F1 uses Lox and RP 1 as its propellant. The rocket has the following characteristics.
The rocketdyne F1 engine is a gas generator cycle rocket engine used in the Saturn V rocket which served as the launch vehicle of the Apollo program. The F1 uses Lox and RP 1 as its propellant. The rocket has the following characteristics.

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