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Thermodynamics Reviewer 2

1. How many independent properties are required to completely fix the equilibrium state of a pure gaseous compound?

a. 1 

b. 2 

c. 3 

d. 4 

2. What is the value of the work done for a closed, reversible isometric system? 

a. Zero 

b. Positive 

c. Negative 

d. Positive or Negative 

3. The first law of thermodynamics is based on which of the following principles? 

a. Conservation of mass 

b. Conservation of energy 

c. Action and reaction 

d. Temperature relationship 

4. What refers to the thermodynamic properties which are dependent on the amount of the substance present?

a. Extensive properties 

b. Intensive properties 

c. Reversible properties 

d. Irreversible properties 

5. What refers to the thermodynamic properties which are independent on the amount of the substance present?

a. Extensive properties 

b. Intensive properties 

c. Reversible properties 

d. Irreversible properties 

6. What do you call a system in which there is a flow of matter through the boundary? 

a. Closed system 

b. Open system 

c. Isolated system 

d. All of these 

7. The mechanical equivalent of heat? 

a. Joule 

b. Calorie 

c. Btu 

d. Specific heat

8. What happens to internal energy of water at reference temperature where enthalpy is zero.

a. Becomes negative 

b. Becomes positive 

c. Becomes constant 

d. Cannot be defined 

9. If an initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed to one-half its original volume and twice its original temperature,  the pressure: 

a. Doubles 

b. Halves 

c. Quadruples 

d. Triples 

10. Nozzles do not involve any work interaction. The fluid through this device experiences which of the following

a. No change in potential energy 

b. No change in kinetic energy 

c. No change in enthalpy 

d. A vacuum 

11. The convergent section of a nozzle increases the velocity of the flow of gas. What does it have to do with pressure? a. Pressure becomes constant 

b. Pressure equals velocity 

c. It increases the pressure 

d. It decreases the pressure 

12. When the expansion or compression of gas takes place without transfer of heat to or from the gas, the process is  called? 

a. Reversible 

b. Adiabatic 

c. Isothermal 

d. Iso-enthalpic 

13. Which law states that Entropy of all perfect crystalline solids is zero at absolute zero temperature?

a. Zeroth law of thermodynamics 

b. First law of thermodynamics 

c. Second law of thermodynamics 

d. Third law of thermodynamics 

14. What system in which there is no exchange of matter with the surroundings or mass does not cross its boundaries?

a. Closed system 

b. Open system 

c. Isolated system 

d. All of these

An ideal gas is compressed isothermally. The enthalpy change is: 

a. Always negative 

b. Always positive 

c. Zero 

d. Undefined 

16. Entropy is the measure of: 

a. The internal energy of a gas 

b. The heat capacity of a substance 

c. Randomness or disorder 

d. The change of enthalpy of a system 

17. Boiling occur when the vapor pressure attains which of the following pressures? 

a. The gage pressure 

b. The critical pressure 

c. The ambient pressure 

d. One standard atmosphere 

18. Which of the following values characterize the state of the system? 

a. Cycle 

b. Process 

c. Property 

d. Enthalpy  

19. In a complete heat engine cycle, which of the following is the area enclosed by the PV diagram?

a. The work done by the engine per cycle 

b. The heat transferred to the engine 

c. The enthalpy per cycle 

d. The volume of exhaust gas per cycle 

20. At constant pressure, the volume of a gas rises up from 10 m^3 to 15 m^3. If the final temperature is 6 ⁰C, what is  the initial temperature? 

a. 4 

b. 5 

c. 6 

d. 7 

21. PV diagram represents what condition from point C to point A? 

a. Constant Volume Thermodynamics Reviewer 2 1ckiyH7mbq21ibtLWhwITW502SVU4wxg6vMDC2M 9vAv6iv9bXN tmowH5DZtYddDtvFAXC kuIFGUG6DlGgMeOc 12vcHuy98oeI2ZzDpvMZ5lghxM9pedwdXW26ARuv NQeMyr4j2luSRoeet5bB4

b. Inducing Pressure 

c. Constant Temperature 

d. Inducing Temperature

22. As the universal gas constant and specific heat ratio is given. “Cp” can be deducted generally by a. =R/(k-1) 

b. =Cvk 

c. =kR/(k-1) 

d. = Cv-R 

23. P=101325 Pa, density (rho)=1.225 kg/m^3, R=287.08 J/kg*K. What is the value of Temperature? Note; Mass over  volume is equal to density (rho), 1 K = 1.8 R. 

a. 432.3642 K 

b. 432.3642 R 

c. 518.6210 R 

d. 518.6210 K 

24. The value of the acceleration due to earth’s gravity. 

a. 9.8066 m/s2 

b. -6.5 m^2/s 

c. 32.1737 ft/s/s 

d. -1.225 m/s 

25. Which statement is correct? 

a. As energy is added, molecular movements increase thus inducing to high temperature. 

b. Potential energy responds to the mass with its doubled speed. 

c. Kinetic energy is the static energy of a body 

d. The change of energy is represented with their characteristics base to the force exerted on an area 

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