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Thermodynamics Reviewer

1. How many independent properties are required to completely fix the equilibrium  state of a pure gaseous compound?  

a. 4  

b. 3  

c. 2  

d. 1  

Answer: C  

2. What is the value of the work done for a closed, reversible isometric system?  

a. zero  

b. positive  

c. negative  

d. positive or negative  

Answer: A  

3. The first law of thermodynamics is based on which of the following principles?  

a. Conservation of mass  

b. Conservation of energy  

c. Action and reaction  

d. The entropy-temperature relationship  

Answer: B  

4. Which of the following cycle is used in vapor cycle power plant?  

a. Brayton cycle  

b. Diesel cycle  

c. Ericson cycle  

d. Rankine cycle  

Answer: D  

5. Which of the following is not a thermodynamic property?  

a. Pressure  

b. Temperature  

c. Volume  

d. Phase 

Answer: D  

6. Which of the following compressibility factor of ideal gas  

a. 1  

b. 2  

c. 1.5  

d. 0  

Answer: A  

7. What refers to the thermodynamic properties which are dependent on the amount  of the substance present?  

a. Extensive property  

b. Intensive properties  

c. Reversible properties  

d. Irreversible properties  

Answer: A  

8. What refers to the thermodynamic properties which are independent on the  amount of the substance present?  

a. Extensive property  

b. Intensive properties  

c. Reversible properties  

d. Irreversible properties  

Answer: B  

9. What is known as the total heat and heat content at various times in the history?  

a. enthalpy  

b. entropy  

c. internal energy  

d. latent heat  

Answer: A  

10. What is the measure of the energy that is no longer available to perform useful  work within the current environment?  

a. enthalpy  

b. entropy  

c. internal energy 

d. latent heat  

Answer: B  

11. What is the temperature when water and vapor are in the equilibrium with the  atmospheric pressure?  

a. Ice point  

b. Steam point  

c. Critical point  

d. Freezing point  

Answer: B  

12. What is the unique state at which solid, liquid and gaseous phase can go co-exist  in equilibrium?  

a. Triple point  

b. Critical point  

c. Boiling point  

d. Pour point  

Answer: A  

13. What refers to the state at which liquid and gaseous phases are indistinguishable?  

a. Triple point  

b. Critical point  

c. Boiling point  

d. Pour point  

Answer: B  

14. What refers to the heat needed to change the temperature of the substances  without changing its phases?  

a. Latent heat  

b. Sensible heat  

c. Specific heat  

d. entropy  

Answer: B  

15. What is defined as the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one  kilogram of water by one degrees Celsius? 

a. Kilojoule  

b. Btu  

c. Kilocalorie  

d. Latent heat  

Answer: C  

16. To what conditions does a gas behave like an ideal gas?  

a. low temperature and low pressure  

b. low temperature and high pressure  

c. high temperature and low pressure  

d. high temperature and high pressure  

Answer: C  

17. What Law states that the pressure of gas is inversely proportional to its volume at  constant temperature?  

a. Charles’ law  

b. Gay-Lussac’s Law  

c. Boyle’s Law  

d. Dalton’s Law  

Answer: C  

18. What do you call a system in which there is a flow of matter through the  boundary?  

a. Closed sysytem  

b. Open system  

c. Isolated sysytem  

d. All of these  

Answer: B  

19. Which of the following best describes heat?  

a. The capacity to do work  

b. Forces times distances  

c. Sum of thermal and chemical energy  

d. An energy transfer due to temperature difference  

Answer: D 

20. The mechanical equivalent of heat is  

a. joule  

b. calorie  

c. Btu  

d. Specific heat  

Answer: A  

21. Burning of Gasoline initially requires heat before it burns spontaneously. Which  of the following does not give a good explanation of this phenomenon?  

a. the initial heat rises the enthalpy of the reactant 

b. the initial heat lowers the activation of energy of the reactants  c. the enthalpy of reactants is lower than the enthalpy of products.  d. The enthalpy of the product is lower than the enthalpy of the reactant  

Answer: C  

22. The phenomenon of melting under pressure and freezing again when the pressure  is reduced is known as  

a. sublimation  

b. condensation  

c. deposition  

d. regelation  

Answer: D  

23. Which of the following events is heat exchange involved?  

a. when there is a phase change  

b. when there is a chemical reaction  

c. when the gas expands adiabatically  

d. when there is difference in temperature  

Answer: C  

24. What is the entropy of a pure substance at a temperature of absolute zero?  

a. unity  

b. zero  

c. infinity  

d. undefined  

Answer: B 

25. What is the area under the curve on a temperature – entropy diagram?  

a. Heat  

b. work  

c. entropy  

d. volume  

Answer: A  

26. What happens to the internal energy of water at reference temperature where  enthalpy is zero?  

a. Becomes negative  

b. Becomes positive  

c. Remains constant  

d. Cannot be defined  

Answer: A  

27. Which of the following is the work done for a closed reversible isometric system?  

a. negative  

b. positive  

c. zero  

d. undefined  

Answer: C  

28. If the initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed to one-half its original volume  and to twice its original temperature, the pressure:  

a. doubles  

b. halves  

c. quadruples  

d. triples  

Answer: C  

29. When the expansion of compression of gas takes place without transfer of heat or  from the gas the process is called;  

a. Isometric process  

b. Isothermal process  

c. Isobaric process  

d. Adiabatic process 

Answer: D  

30. Which of the following best describes both Stirling and Ericson engines?  

a. Internal combustion engine  

b. External combustion engine  

c. Diesel cycle  

d. Rankine cycle  

Answer: B  

31. At steam point, the temperature of water and its vapour at standard pressure are:  

a. Extremes or maximum  

b. unity  

c. in equilibrium  

d. undefined  

Answer: C  

32. Who coined the word Entropy?  

a. Rudolf Clausius  

b. Lord Kelvin  

c. Gabriel Volks  

d. Rudolf Diesel  

Answer: A  

33. What is the temperature when water and vapor are in equilibrium with the  atmospheric pressure?  

a. Ice point  

b. Steam point  

c. Critical point  

d. Freezing point  

Answer: B  

34. When the expansion of compression of gas takes place without transfer of heat to  or from the gas the process is called  

a. reversible  

b. adiabatic  

c. polytropic 

d. isothermal  

Answer: B  

35. What refers to a liquid whose temperature is lower than saturation temperature  corresponding to the exisitng pressure?  

a. Subcooled liquid  

b. Saturated liquid  

c. Pure liquid  

d. Compressed liquid  

Answer: A  

36. Which law that states “Entropy of all perfect crystalline solids is zero at absolute  zero temperature”?  

a. Zeroth law of thermodynamics  

b. First law of thermodynamics  

c. Second law of thermodynamics  

d. Third law of thermodynamics  

Answer: D  

37. A 0.064 kg of octane vapor (MW = 114) is mixed with 0.91 kg of air (MW =  29.0) in the manifold of an Engine. The total pressure in the manifold is 86.1 kPa,  and a temperature is 290 K. assume octane behaves ideally. What is the partial  pressure of the air in the mixture in KPa?  

a. 46.8  

b. 48.6  

c. 84.6  

d. 64.8  

Answer: C  

38. Which of the following occurs in a reversible polytropic process?  

a. Enthalpy remains constant  

b. Internal energy does not change  

c. Some heat transfer occurs  

d. Entropy remains constant  

Answer: C 

39. The change that the system that undergoes from one equilibrium state to another  is known as  

a. oath  

b. process  

c. enthalpy change  

d. entropy change  

Answer: B  

40. What refers to the series of states through which a system passes during the  process?  

a. path  

b. quasi- static steps  

c. reversibility moves  

d. irreversibility moves  

Answer: A  

41. Which of the following relations is not applicable in a free expansion process?  

a. Heat is rejected to zero  

b. Work done is zero  

c. Change in temperature is zero  

d. Heat supplied is zero  

Answer: C  

42. What system in which neither mass nor energy cross the boundaries and is not  influenced by the surroundings?  

a. Closed sysytem  

b. Open system  

c. Isolated system  

d. All of these  

Answer: C  

43. What is referred to by control volume?  

a. An isolated system  

b. Closed system  

c. Fixed region in space  

d. Reversible process only 

Answer: C  

44. Which of the following is used in thermal power plant?  

a. Brayton cycle  

b. Reversed carnot cycle  

c. Rankine cycle  

d. Otto cycyle  

Answer: C  

45. A Bell-Coleman cycle is a reversed of which the following cycles?  

a. Stirling cycle  

b. Joule cycle  

c. Carnot cycle  

d. Otto cycle  

Answer: B  

46. An ideal gas is compresses isothermally. The enthalpy change is  

a. Always negative  

b. Always positive  

c. zero  

d. undefined  

Answer: C  

47. The state of a thermodynamic system is always defined by its:  

a. Absolute temperature  

b. process  

c. properties  

d. temperature and pressure  

Answer: C  

48. Entropy is the measure of:  

a. The internal energy of a gas  

b. The heat capacity of a substance  

c. Randomness or disorder  

d. The change of enthalpy of a system  

Answer: C 

49. What system in which there is no exchange of matter with the surrounding or  mass does not cross its boundaries?  

a. Open system  

b. Closed system  

c. Isolated system  

d. Non-flow system  

Answer: B  

50. What refers to a system in which there is a flow of mass across its boundaries?  

a. Open system  

b. Closed system  

c. Isolated system  

d. Non-flow system  

Answer: A  

51. Which of the following cannot be a property of a gas?  

a. density  

b. pressure  

c. viscosity  

d. temperature  

Answer: C  

52. During the adiabatic process, which of the following is the change in entropy?  

a. zero  

b. greater than zero  

c. less than zero  

d. infinity  

Answer: A  

53. Which of the following values characterize the state of the system?  

a. cycle  

b. process  

c. property  

d. enthalpy  

Answer: D 

54. Which of the following is least efficient?  

a. Gas turbine  

b. Diesel engine  

c. Carnot engine  

d. Gasoline engine  

Answer: D  

55. Which of the following engines is the most efficient?  

a. Gas turbine  

b. Diesel engine  

c. Carnot engine  

d. Gasoline engine  

Answer: C  

56. Which of the following engines is the most efficient?  

a. Isobaric expansion  

b. Adiabatic compression  

c. Adiabatic expansion  

d. Isothermal expansion  

Answer: A  

57. Who coined the word energy?  

a. James Joule  

b. Thomas Young  

c. Rudolf Diesel  

d. Lord Kelvin  

Answer: B  

58. Which of the following laws of thermodynamic which leads to the definition of  entropy?  

a. First law  

b. Second law  

c. Third law  

d. Law of conservation of energy  

Answer: B 

59. Which of the following is the other term used for enthalpy-entropy diagram?  

a. Enthalpy diagram  

b. Mollier diagram  

c. Steam diagram  

d. Entropy chart  

Answer: B  

60. What is used for predicting the behavior of non-ideal gases?  

a. Compressibility factor  

b. Expansivity factor  

c. Emissivity factor  

d. Van-d-whal’s factor  

Answer: A  

61. Which of the following thermodynamic devices operates the reverse of the heat  engine?  

a. Thermal pump  

b. Thermal evaporator  

c. Thermal condenser  

d. Thermal equilibrant  

Answer: A  

62. What is another term used for isometric processes?  

a. Isochoric process  

b. Iolytropic process  

c. Isothermal process  

d. Reversible process  

Answer: A  

63. Which of the following engines was introduced by a German engineer, Nickolas  Otto?  

a. Gasoline engine  

b. Diesel engine  

c. Gas turbine  

d. Thermal engine 

Answer: A  

64. If two systems are in the thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they must  be in thermal equilibrium with each other.  

a. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics  

b. First Law of Thermodynamics  

c. Second Law of Thermodynamics  

d. Third Law of Thermodynamics  

Answer: A  

65. The heat absorbed by a unit mass of a material at its holding point in order to  convert the material into a gas at the same temperature.  

a. Latent Heat of Sublimation  

b. Latent Heat of Vaporization  

c. Latent Heat of Fusion  

d. Latent Heat Of Condensation  

Answer: B  

66. A thermodynamic process in which entropy is conserved  

a. isentropic  

b. adiabatic  

c. isothermal  

d. polytropic  

Answer: A  

67. A control volume refers to what?  

a. A fixed region in space  

b. A reversible process  

c. an isolated system  

d. a specified mass  

Answer: A  

68. Which of the following is commonly used as liquid absorbent?  

a. Silica gel  

b. Activated alumina  

c. Ethylene glycol 

d. None of these  

Answer: C  

69. One for which no heat is gained or lost  

a. Isentropic  

b. Adiabatic  

c. Isothermal  

d. Polytropic  

Answer: B  

70. A law relating the pressure, temperature and volume of an ideal gas  

a. Gay-Lussac’s Law  

b. Ideal gas Law  

c. Charles’ Law  

d. Boyle’s Law  

Answer: B  

71. Occurs when the vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure  

a. Boiling  

b. Melting  

c. Freezing  

d. Vaporizing  

Answer: A  

72. As temperature goes to “0”, the entropy approaches a constant  

a. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics  

b. First Law of Thermodynamics  

c. Second Law of Thermodynamics  

d. Third Law of Thermodynamics  

Answer: D  

73. An ideal gas is compressed ina cylinder so well insulated that there is essentially  no heat transfer. The temperature of gas  

a. Remains constant  

b. increases  

c. decreases 

d. is basically zero  

Answer: B  

74. Occuring at fixed temperature  

a. isentropic  

b. Adiabatic  

c. Isothermal  

d. polytropic  

Answer: C  

75. The changing of solid directly to vapor without passing through liquid state is  called  

a. Evaporation  

b. Vaporization  

c. Sublimation  

d. Condensation  

Answer: C  

76. The phase transition of a liquid to a solid  

a. Solidification  

b. Freezing  

c. Fusion  

d. All of these  

Answer: D  

77. It is an energy flux, equal to the rate of energy flow per unit area per unit time  across some surface.  

a. Irradiance  

b. Radiant Intensity  

c. Luminosity  

d. Brightness  

Answer: C  

78. The volume of a gas under constant pressure increases or decrease with  temperature.  

a. Gay- Lussac’s Law 

b. Ideal Gas Law  

c. Charles’ Law  

d. Boyle’s Law  

Answer: C  

79. The molecular number density of an ideal gas at standard temperature and  pressure in cm3 

a. Froude number  

b. Loschmidt number  

c. Mach number  

d. Reynold number  

Answer: B  

80. A temperature scale whose zero point is absolute zero, the temperature of “0”  entropy at which all molecular motion stops.  

a. Celsius  

b. Fahrenheit  

c. Kelvin  

d. Rankine  

Answer: C  

81. The thermal radiation emitted by a blackbody heated to a given temperature.  

a. Gamma Radiation  

b. Black Body Radiation  

c. Electromagnetic Radiation  

d. Alpha Radiation  

Answer: B  

82. The radiation emitted by a body as a result of its temperature.  

a. Blackbody Radiation  

b. Thermal Inversion  

c. Thermionic Inversion  

d. Thermal Radiation  

Answer: D  

83. At Equilibrium, the radiation emitted must equal the radiation absorbed. 

a. Boyle’s Law  

b. Planck’s Law  

c. Kirchoff’s Law  

d. Joule’s Law  

Answer: C  

84. The theory that heat consisted of a fluid, which could be transferred from one  body to another, but not “created” or “destroyed”.  

a. Clausius Theorem  

b. Caloric Theory  

c. Joules Law  

d. Newton’s Law of cooling  

Answer: B  

85. The volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of molecules of the  gas.  

a. Ideal gas law  

b. Boyle-Mariotte Law  

c. Avogadro’s Hypothesis  

d. Gay-Lussac’s Law of combining Volumes  

Answer: C  

86. For a body cooling in a draft, the rate of heat loss is proportional to the difference  in temperature between the body and its surroundings.  

a. Nemst Effect  

b. Caloric Theory  

c. Joule’s Law  

d. Newton’s Law of Cooling  

Answer: D  

87. It is the intensity of a radiating source.  

a. Specific Brightness  

b. Radiance  

c. Surface Brightness  

d. All of these  

Answer: D 

88. This law of thermodynamics prohibits the construction of a perpetual motion  machine “of the second kind”  

a. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics  

b. First Law of Thermodynamics  

c. Second Law of Thermodynamics  

d. Third Law of Thermodynamics  

Answer: C  

89. A cylinder contains oxygen at a pressure of 10 atm and a temperature of 300 K.  The volume of the cylinder is 10 liters. What is the mass of the oxygen in grams?  Molecular weight (MW) of oxygen is 32g/mole?  

a. 125.02  

b. 130.08  

c. 135.05  

d. 120.04  

Answer: B {(10atm)(10)(32)/(0.0821)(300K)}  

90. It is the deposition of radiant energy as heat into an absorbing body.  

a. Radiation  

b. Ionization  

c. Convection  

d. Insolation  

Answer: D  

91. It is a process during which the pressure remains constant  

a. Adiabatic  

b. Isentropic  

c. Isobaric  

d. Isotropic  

Answer: C  

92. Diffusion due to thermal motion is called  

a. dilation  

b. infusion  

c. effusion  

d. dispersion 

Answer: C  

93. The rate at which this is quantity passes through a fixed boundary per unit time  

a. Flux  

b. Existence  

c. Irradiance  

d. All of these  

Answer: D  

94. Energy can neither created nor destroyed. It can only change forms.  

a. Conservation of Mass Principle  

b. Conservation of Energy Principle  

c. Conservation of Momentum Principle  

d. Conservation of Heat Principle  

Answer: B  

95. Executes the entire cycle in just two strokes the power stroke and the compression  stroke.  

a. One-stroke engine  

b. Two-stroke engine  

c. Four-stroke engine  

d. Eight-stroke engine  

Answer: B  

96. It is the unbalanced force developed in a turbo jet engine that is caused by the  difference in the momentum of the low-velocity air entering the engine and the  high velocity exhaust gases leaving the engine.  

a. Fall  

b. Lift  

c. Drag  

d. Thrust  

Answer: D  

97. Which of the engine is used for fighter bombers?  

a. Turbojet  

b. Pulsejet  

c. Rockets  

d. Ramjet 

Answer: A  

98. The Science of Energy  

a. Thermionics  

b. Kinetics  

c. Thermodynamics  

d. Geophysics  

Answer: C  

99. It is used for gas turbines which operates on anopen cycle where both the  compression and expansion processes take place in rotating machinery.  

a. Dual Cycle  

b. Otto Cycle  

c. Carnot Cycle  

d. Brayton Cycle  

Answer: D  

100. Which of the following laws of thermodynamic which leads to the  definition of entropy?  

a. First law  

b. Second law  

c. Third law  

d. Law of conservation of energy  

Answer: B 

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