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ATPL – Fundamental Aerodynamics Reviewer

Here are sample exercises from FAA, Oxford ATPL, and other aerodynamic questions.

  1. Constant CAS Below Sea Level:
  • At a constant CAS when flying below sea level, an aircraft will have a lower TAS than at sea level at ISA conditions.
  • Answer: b. a lower TAS than at sea level at ISA conditions.
  1. TAS Definition:
  • TAS is lower than IAS at ISA altitudes below sea level.
  • Answer: c. lower than IAS at ISA altitudes below sea level.
  1. IAS and TAS Difference:
  • The difference between IAS and TAS will decrease with decreasing altitude.
  • Answer: d. decrease with decreasing altitude.
  1. Bernoulli’s Theorem:
  • Bernoulli’s Theorem states that dynamic pressure increases and static pressure decreases.
  • Answer: b. dynamic pressure increases and static pressure decreases.
  1. Effect of Increased Temperature on Airflow:
  • If the temperature of the air in the tube is raised, the mass flow remains constant, and the velocity V will increase.
  • Answer: d. the mass flow remains constant and the velocity V will increase.
  1. Symmetrical Aerofoil at CL = 0:
  • A symmetrical aerofoil section at CL = 0 will produce zero pitching moment.
  • Answer: c. Zero pitching moment.
  1. Angle of Attack Definition:
  • Angle of attack is the angle between undisturbed airflow and chord line.
  • Answer: a. undisturbed airflow and chord line.
  1. Lift and Drag Forces on Aerofoil:
  • Lift and drag forces on an aerofoil section both depend on the pressure distribution on the aerofoil section.
  • Answer: b. they both depend on the pressure distribution on the aerofoil section.
  1. Factors Creating Lift:
  • An aerofoil in a high-speed flow creates lift.
  • Answer: b. An aerofoil in a high-speed flow.
  1. Greatest Factor Causing Lift:
    • Suction above the wing is the greatest factor causing lift.
    • Answer: a. Suction above the wing.
  2. Influence of Ground Effect on Landing:
    • Ground effect increases landing distance.
    • Answer: a. increase landing distance.
  3. Lift Curve Intersecting Vertical CL Axis:
    • On an angle of attack versus coefficient of lift graph for a cambered aerofoil, the lift curve intersects the vertical CL axis above the point of origin.
    • Answer: a. above the origin.
  4. Effect of Flaps on Induced Drag:
    • Induced drag stays the same when flaps are deployed in straight and level flight at constant IAS.
    • Answer: d. stays the same.
  5. Pitching Moment with Fowler Flaps on High-Tail Aircraft:
    • Fowler flaps deployed on a high-tail aircraft generate a nose-down pitching moment.
    • Answer: b. nose down.
  6. Flaps and Pitching Moment in Straight and Level Flight:
    • Flaps’ effect on pitching moment depends on CG position.
    • Answer: c. depends.
  7. Slat Purpose on Leading Edge:
    • A slat increases the energy of the boundary layer, increases the maximum angle of attack, and moves CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
    • Answer: d. increases the energy of the boundary layer and increases the maximum angle of attack.
  8. Stall Speed Comparison with Flaps:
    • Stall speed decreases with flaps down compared to flaps up.
    • Answer: b. decreases.
  9. High-Speed Stall Definition:
    • A high-speed stall is a stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
    • Answer: c. A stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
  10. Aircraft Prone to Super Stall:
    • A swept-back wing aircraft is most prone to super stall.
    • Answer: c. Swept-back wing.
  11. Designation of Stall Speed in Landing Configuration:
    • VSO is the correct designation of stall speed in the landing configuration.
    • Answer: c. VSO.
  12. Effect of Ice Formation:
    • Ice formation causes a reduction in CLMAX.
    • Answer: d. Reduction in CLMAX.
  13. Effect of Slats on Wing Leading Edge:
    • Slats increase the energy of the boundary layer, increase suction peak on the main wing section, and move CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
    • Answer: c. increase boundary layer energy, increase suction peak on main wing section, move CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
  14. Stall Behavior with Fowler Flaps and Slat:
    • In a swept-wing aircraft with Fowler flaps and slats, the stall behavior is nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
    • Answer: b. Nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
  15. Aileron Neutral During Erect Spin Recovery:
    • Ailerons should be held neutral during erect spin recovery.
    • Answer: b. ailerons held neutral.
  16. Stalling Speed in Turn Proportional to:
    • Stalling speed in a turn is proportional to the square root of the load factor.
    • Answer: c. the square root of the load factor.
  17. Factors Affecting Stalling Speed:
    • Stalling speed increases when recovering from a steep dive.
    • Answer: a. recovering from a steep dive.
  18. CP Movement on Swept Wing Due to Tip Stall:
    • The CP on a swept wing aircraft moves forward due to tip stall of the wing.
    • Answer: b. tip stall of the wing.
  19. Decreasing Sweep Angle Effect on Stall Speed:
    • Decreasing sweep angle decreases stall speed.
    • Answer: decreases.
  20. Effect of Flaps on Stall Speed:
    • Stall speed decreases with flaps down compared to flaps up.
    • Answer: b. decreases.
  21. High-Speed Stall Definition:
    • A high-speed stall is a stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
    • Answer: c. A stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
  22. Aircraft Prone to Super Stall:
    • A swept-back wing aircraft is most prone to super stall.
    • Answer: c. Swept-back wing.
  23. Designation of Stall Speed in Landing Configuration:
    • VSO is the correct designation of stall speed in the landing configuration.
    • Answer: c. VSO.
  24. Effect of Ice Formation:
    • Ice formation causes a reduction in CLMAX.
    • Answer: d. Reduction in CLMAX.
  25. Effect of Slats on Wing Leading Edge:
    • Slats increase the energy of the boundary layer, increase suction peak on the main wing section, and move CLMAX to a higher angle
    of attack.
    • Answer: c. increase boundary layer energy, increase suction peak on main wing section, move CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
  26. Stall Behavior with Fowler Flaps and Slat:
    • In a swept-wing aircraft with Fowler flaps and slats, the stall behavior is nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
    • Answer: b. Nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
  27. Aileron Neutral During Erect Spin Recovery:
    • Ailerons should be held neutral during erect spin recovery.
    • Answer: b. ailerons held neutral.
  28. Stalling Speed in Turn Proportional to:
    • Stalling speed in a turn is proportional to the square root of the load factor.
    • Answer: c. the square root of the load factor.
  29. Factors Affecting Stalling Speed:
    • Stalling speed increases when recovering from a steep dive.
    • Answer: a. recovering from a steep dive.
  30. CP Movement on Swept Wing Due to Tip Stall:
    • The CP on a swept wing aircraft moves forward due to tip stall of the wing.
    • Answer: b. tip stall of the wing.
  31. Decreasing Sweep Angle Effect on Stall Speed:
    • Decreasing sweep angle decreases stall speed.
    • Answer: decreases.
  32. Effect of Flaps on Stall Speed:
    • Stall speed decreases with flaps down compared to flaps up.
    • Answer: b. decreases.
  33. High-Speed Stall Definition:
    • A high-speed stall is a stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
    • Answer: c. A stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
  34. Aircraft Prone to Super Stall:
    • A swept-back wing aircraft is most prone to super stall.
    • Answer: c. Swept-back wing.
  35. Designation of Stall Speed in Landing Configuration:
    • VSO is the correct designation of stall speed in the landing configuration.
    • Answer: c. VSO.
  36. Effect of Ice Formation:
    • Ice formation causes a reduction in CLMAX.
    • Answer: d. Reduction in CLMAX.
  37. Effect of Slats on Wing Leading Edge:
    • Slats increase the energy of the boundary layer, increase suction peak on the main wing section, and move CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
    • Answer: c. increase boundary layer energy, increase suction peak on main wing section, move CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
  38. Stall Behavior with Fowler Flaps and Slat:
    • In a swept-wing aircraft with Fowler flaps and slats, the stall behavior is nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
    • Answer: b. Nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
  39. Aileron Neutral During Erect Spin Recovery:
    • Ailerons should be held neutral during erect spin recovery.
    • Answer: b. ailerons held neutral.
  40. Stalling Speed in Turn Proportional to:
    • Stalling speed in a turn is proportional to the square root of the load factor.
    • Answer: c. the square root of the load factor.
  41. Factors Affecting Stalling Speed:
    • Stalling speed increases when recovering from a steep dive.
    • Answer: a. recovering from a steep dive.
  42. CP Movement on Swept Wing Due to Tip Stall:
    • The CP on a swept wing aircraft moves forward due to tip stall of the wing.
    • Answer: b. tip stall of the wing.
  43. Decreasing Sweep Angle Effect on Stall Speed:
    • Decreasing sweep angle decreases stall speed.
    • Answer: decreases.
  44. Effect of Flaps on Stall Speed:
    • Stall speed decreases with flaps down compared to flaps up.
    • Answer: b. decreases.
  45. High-Speed Stall Definition:
    • A high-speed stall is a stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
    • Answer: c. A stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
  46. Aircraft Prone to Super Stall:
    • A swept-back wing aircraft is most prone to super stall.
    • Answer: c. Swept-back wing.
  47. Designation of Stall Speed in Landing Configuration:
    • VSO is the correct designation of stall speed in the landing configuration.
    • Answer: c. VSO.
  48. Effect of Ice Formation:
    • Ice formation causes a reduction in CLMAX.
    • Answer: d. Reduction in CLMAX.
  49. Effect of Slats on Wing Leading Edge:
    • Slats increase the energy of the boundary layer, increase suction peak on the main wing section, and move CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
    • Answer: c. increase boundary layer energy, increase suction peak on main wing section, move CLMAX to a higher angle of attack.
  50. Stall Behavior with Fowler Flaps and Slat:
    • In a swept-wing aircraft with Fowler flaps and slats, the stall behavior is nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
    • Answer: b. Nose up and/or elevator ineffectiveness.
  51. Aileron Neutral During Erect Spin Recovery:
    • Ailerons should be held neutral during erect spin recovery.
    • Answer: b. ailerons held neutral.
  52. Stalling Speed in Turn Proportional to:
    • Stalling speed in a turn is proportional to the square root of the load factor.
    • Answer: c. the square root of the load factor.
  53. Factors Affecting Stalling Speed:
    • Stalling speed increases when recovering from a steep dive.
    • Answer: a. recovering from a steep dive.
  54. CP Movement on Swept Wing Due to Tip Stall:
    • The CP on a swept wing aircraft moves forward due to tip stall of the wing.
    • Answer: b. tip stall of the wing.
  55. Decreasing Sweep Angle Effect on Stall Speed:
    • Decreasing sweep angle decreases stall speed.
    • Answer: decreases.
  56. Effect of Flaps on Stall Speed:
    • Stall speed decreases with flaps down compared to flaps up.
    • Answer: b. decreases.
  57. High-Speed Stall Definition:
    • A high-speed stall is a stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
    • Answer: c. A stall due to decreasing CLMAX at speeds above M 0.4.
  58. Aircraft Prone to Super Stall:
    • A swept-back wing aircraft is most prone to super stall.
    • Answer: c. Swept-back wing.
  59. Designation of Stall Speed in Landing Configuration:
    • VSO is the correct designation of stall speed in the landing configuration.
    • Answer: c. VSO

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