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41 Other Ways to Say “I Forgive You” Without Saying It

41 Other Ways to Say "I Forgive You" Without Saying It

41 Other Ways to Say "I Forgive You" Without Saying It

The most common way to say “I forgive you” is simply to say the words “I forgive you.” This is the most direct approach and the one that most people would probably use when they really want to forgive someone.

“I have forgiven you” meaning

I have forgiven you means that he have let go of his resentment and anger towards you. He is not holding any grudges against you for what happened in the past.

Another word for “forgive me.”

Forgiving words example:
“Excuse me”
“Pardon me”
“My bad”
“Let’s let bygones be bygones.”
“What can I do to help?
“I didn’t mean it.”

What is another way to say “I forgive you”?

How do you tell someone you forgive them? Here are other words to say “I forgive you” without actually saying it.

“I accept your apology.”

“I’m sorry too — for letting my anger get the best of me.”

“We both made mistakes.”

“It’s time to move forward from here.”

  “You don’t need to say sorry again”.

  “It’s okay.”

  “I’m not mad at you anymore.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Let it go”

Maybe I’m the one who needs to apologize.

  It doesn’t matter anymore.

  We all make mistakes.

  To err is human.

  Apology accepted.

  I understand what happened now.

  I appreciate you telling me that.

  I am glad we talked; it helps me feel closer to you.

  You’re forgiven!

We’re good now.

Let’s start again.

  Don’t worry about it.

  It’s all right.

  Don’t worry. I understand.

  Don’t be hard on yourself.

  I’m not upset.

Here are ways to accept an apology in writing without saying it:

I accept what happened. It’s over, and I’m ready to move on.

I’m sorry for any pain or anger I caused you by reacting poorly.

I’m sorry for being so upset with your actions and words that I lashed out at you.

I’m sorry for saying things that hurt your feelings or made you feel bad about yourself.

I’m sorry for anything I’ve done that has hurt you.

If I have ignored or dismissed your feelings, please know that was not my intention.

If I have been hurtful or inconsiderate, please accept my apology.

“I’m moving forward.” This phrase shows that someone else’s actions no longer affect how happy or satisfied with life

How To Accept an Apology in Writing – Template

But what do you write when you forgive someone? How do you show that you’ve forgiven someone without being too harsh or too soft? Let’s look at some ideas for how to write a forgiveness letter that’s right for you:

Dear [Name],

Thank you for your apology. I appreciate it more than words can say. It means so much to me that you took the time to reach out and understand my feelings about what happened between us.

I know that it wasn’t easy for you to apologize, especially because we’ve been going through some hard times lately. But knowing that you are willing to own up and take responsibility for your actions gives me hope that we can rebuild our relationship together and move forward from here in a productive way.


Dear [Name],

I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I want to make things right again.

It’s been hard for me to forgive you, but I know that it’s time for that. I think about the good times we had, and the happy memories we shared together. You mean a lot to me, and I would like to have those times back again.

I understand that what happened wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t my fault either. It was just a mistake that we both made in the heat of the moment. We were both angry, and we both wanted revenge against each other. But now things are over with, and we can move on with our lives as friends again.

Forgiveness is an important part of building healthy relationships. When you forgive someone, you release them from the weight of their wrongdoing and give yourself the space to move forward without resentment.