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13 BEST PROVEN Excuses to Go Out with Strict Parents

13 BEST PROVEN Excuses to Go Out with Strict Parents

Teens with strict parents know the pain of having strict parents who wouldn’t allow you to enjoy your life to the fullest. Worry not! To convince strict parents to let you go out, here are some good excuses to tell your parents to go out with friends.

How to go out

Excuses to tell your parents to go out with friends

Ask Permission 1 Month Before the Day

Let your parents know that you will attend an event or go out with friends at least one week before the day, preferably: one month.

  • Your parents can think about it for a long time. If their initial answer is “No,” you have many days left to convince them.
  • If they doubt you during the day you’re going out, tell them you already asked for their permission one month ago.


Good Timing

To get out of the house with strict parents, ask for their permission when they are in a good mood or when you did something good. For example, you have high grades this semester, present the grades first before asking for a “reward” – which is their permission to let you go out.


Be Confident

To make strict parents let you go out, avoid asking them directly.

Why? If you asked them directly, the chances that they will say “No” is higher than “Yes” since there are mainly only two options to respond to your question.

However, if you simply let them know your upcoming errands, they can answer Okay, Yes, or No depends on the circumstances. This will also give you authority and more credibility.

  • Don’t ask. Just tell them.
  • Say it with confidence.

If things wouldn’t go out as planned, change the topic, and try again another time.

Opt to General Answers

If you sense that you have less than 50% chance of approval, don’t be too specific! This is not a lie to tell your parents to go out, but even better.

Tell them what event you are going to in the most general way possible. Some parents would let you out with guys because you are a girl. In these circumstances, when they asked you who will you go out with, you can pick with any of the following excuses:

“With friends from school”

“Mix… I’m not sure who’s going”

“My girl friends and their friends. I don’t know their names.”


Tell Them your Slot is Already Reserve

To convince strict parents to go out even more, let them know that this event is special and it is hard to get a reservation. For example:

“My friend asked me to attend her birthday. She already included my name on the list and if I decline her offer, she might get disappointed since one slot costs a lot.”

 Show them the invitation if there is any.

Happy girl showing the invitation in her phone - blood donation


Emotional Response

If your parents still won’t let you go out with friends, tell them that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, your friend’s special 18th birthday will only happen once.

Parents and child talking, sad - Guidance, one on one talk

Tell them that you missed out on a lot of things. State your honest feelings to your parents to let them understand your sadness if they didn’t allow you to have fun with your friends.

School Activities

Another effective way and a very good excuse to go out with strict parents is by mentioning school. If you have a subject you need help with, you can tell them that you and your friends will have a group study session at some place and might go to the mall afterward.

Make sure to take pictures as proof that you really did study with them!



If you’re anxious to ask your parents, you can ask a favor to your friend to call your parents. You can also ask your friend’s parent to do it. They will be the one to ask you parents’ permission.


Special Occasions

You have a higher chance to go out if you have something important to go to. Occasions like birthdays, school parties, festivals, and other rare occasions.

Birthday party celebrations - cups cheers

If there is no current event, you can say that this party is an advanced or belated celebration.


Free Expenses

If your parents are not that supportive, make sure to save up your allowance days before the event. Tell your parents that they won’t need to give you any amount since the event you’re going to is free. Also, tell them that you saved your allowance for this special event.

How to date someone with strict parents?

Girl and boy dating in a relationship photography in night holding hands


To go on a date with strict parents, you must tell them honestly how you feel and you must prove beforehand that you are responsible enough to handle a relationship at your age.

Lies to tell your parents to go out with your boyfriend

  1. School Outing
  2. Friends’ shopping time
  3. Birthday of your friend
  4. School project
  5. Clothes hunting
  6. Trying out restaurants with friends
  7. Hunting for schools

Tips On How to Get Out of The House with Strict Parents

Leave the House Early

Since your parents already allowed you to go out, perhaps go on a whole day date, to avoid their minds to change, leave the house when they are still asleep. You won’t have to face them before leaving. That means, less stress for you!

Bring Souvenirs

Buy some gifts or food you can take home on the way so they won’t get mad at you. Don’t forget to show them your photos! These will impact their trust and future decisions to let you go out again.

Thank you gift souvenir - hand holding a present

What are some excuses I can tell my parents to go out?

Here are some excuses you can tell your parents to go out:

  • You have a study group with your classmates.
  • You are volunteering at a local community center.
  • You are going to the library to do research for a project.
  • You are going to the mall with your friends to window shop.
  • You are going to the movies with your friends.
  • You are going to a sporting event with your family.
  • You are going to a concert with your friends.
  • You are going to a party with your friends.
  • You are going to a sleepover at your friend’s house.
  • You are going to visit your grandparents.

What are some sneaky excuses I can tell my parents to go out with my boyfriend/girlfriend?

Here are some sneaky excuses you can tell your parents to go out with your boyfriend/girlfriend:

  • You are going to a school dance with your friends.
  • You are going to a party with your friends and your boyfriend/girlfriend will be there too.
  • You are going to the movies with your friends and your boyfriend/girlfriend will be there too.
  • You are going to a sporting event with your family and your boyfriend/girlfriend will be there too.
  • You are going to a concert with your friends and your boyfriend/girlfriend will be there too.
  • You are going to a sleepover at your friend’s house and your boyfriend/girlfriend will be there too.

What are some excuses I can tell my parents to go out with friends?

Here are some excuses you can tell your parents to go out with friends:

  • You are going to a study group with your classmates.
  • You are volunteering at a local community center.
  • You are going to the library to do research for a project.
  • You are going to the mall with your friends to window shop.
  • You are going to the movies with your friends.
  • You are going to a sporting event with your friends.
  • You are going to a concert with your friends.
  • You are going to a party with your friends.
  • You are going to a sleepover at your friend’s house.
  • You are going to visit your grandparents.

What are some excuses I can tell my parents to go out at night?

How to ask permission from parents to go out?

Here are some excuses you can tell your parents to go out at night:

  • You are going to a school dance.
  • You are going to a party with your friends.
  • You are going to the movies with your friends.
  • You are going to a sporting event with your family.
  • You are going to a concert with your friends.
  • You are going to a sleepover at your friend’s house.
  • You are going to visit your grandparents.
  • You are going to a study group with your classmates.
  • You are volunteering at a local community center.
  • You are going to the library to do research for a project.
13 BEST PROVEN Excuses to Go Out with Strict Parents


If you want to get away from their anger, go to your room as soon as you arrived home.