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Bible Mathematics: Hidden Math in the Bible

Bible Mathematics: Hidden Math in the Bible

The Mathematical concept of Division is similar to the idea of God’s library, being divided into two major divisions namely, the Old and New Testament.


The Old Testament

The Old Testament contains 39 books that discussed the law, history, poetry, and prophecy. While New Testament has 27 books about the gospels, history, epistles, and prophecy.

There might be two major divisions, but the theme of God’s library is the same “Jesus the Savior of All Mankind.” While the minor divisions of the bible are separated by the ideas of foundation, preparation, aspiration, expectation, manifestation, consummation, propagation, and application.

The periods are also divided: Patriarchal, Mosaical, and Christian periods. Each period talks about the star, moon, and sunlight, respectively. But still, the theme of these major periods is all the same. The bible has major and minor divisions to be able to compile many different types of literature. It has many authors under the influence of one God. In this way, people can discuss different passages by easily looking at the context or reference them.


Division of Kingdoms

The mathematical idea of division is also supported by God’s nation being divided under his three Kings: Saul, David, and Solomon. Afterward, the kingdom was further divided into two parts: Israel and Judah.

This proves that the idea of the mathematical concept of division is intertwined with the division of the bible verses and God’s Kingdom as the base operation that separates something into groups, and it can be furthermore divided into parts.