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Negative Effect of Overpopulation on the Economy, Environment, etc.

Negative Effect of Overpopulation on the Economy, Environment, etc.

Negative Effect of Overpopulation on the Economy, Environment, etc.

Why is there a negative effect when the population of the world is increasingly concentrated in urban settlements? According to the “Population Division” report in 2018 conducted by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in the capital cities, 30 years from now.

The global city is considered the main geographic playground of the globalizing forces. Residing in a capital city gives a diverse job opportunity to its occupants which is why the population is concentrated in the cities or the urban settlements.

The Center of Economy

The ideal modern and standard way of living is also highly developed in the cities. Entertainment hubs are easy to reach, there are a lot of clubs, restaurants, cinemas, and attraction sites anywhere in the city.

New York city with building futuristic

Considering the modern lifestyle and economic growth in the urban settlements, there is still a lot of negative effects on the population and the environment if the population in urban settlements continues to increase over the years of development.


Living Conditions

There are a lot of negative effects when the population of the world is increasingly concentrated on urban settlements. It is because urbanization has a lot of negative consequences on the citizen’s health, economy, government, and the environment because of the overcrowded living conditions.


Social Status

There will be a rapid expansion of urban slums and an increase in the numbers of informal settlements if the population in the cities increases uncontrollably, resulting in poverty and inequality.

Poor homeless man sleeping on the street city


Health System

The government can implement a plan to develop the city over time, but they can’t easily control their people or act all at once. Many citizens are left out and don’t have access to healthcare services. Communicable diseases are one of the health risks of living in this kind of settlement just like what is now happening to Manila, Philippines.

People with mask on the train


The Novel Corona Virus is suddenly spreading out because it is easily transmitted through a lot of people. Living in a populated area increases the health risks of the citizens.

Mass production and large-scale investment in infrastructures and services are needed to govern the basic needs of the people. If a high percentage of people decided to live in a populated urban settlement, it will accelerate the environmental degradation and pollution that leads to poor health conditions of many citizens.

Lack of Opportunity

Even a mild phenomenon of any natural hazards will directly distract the people in the slum area because most of them have a poor housing conditions. Although the employment opportunity increases, there will be more downsides of living in a city for newcomers including the expensive house rental fees, competitive labor markets, heavy traffic, residential hyper-mobility, and challenges of practicing multiculturalism.

Urban settlements slum poor area with people living

Residing in urban settlements might bring a lot of job opportunities but it also has a lot of downsides. Global cities can build up your dream or cause you nightmares.

Although the urban settlements are considered as the hubs of innovation and productivity, it has many downsides to living in these areas because of the effects of overpopulation.

Many people draw their attention to living in a modernized city since it is the center of globalization. They think that their life will be improved if they settled in urban areas not knowing that many people are already struggling in these overcrowded cities.