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Proof of Global Warming in the World: The Inconvenient Truth

Proof of Global Warming in the World: The Inconvenient Truth

Reputable scientific studies continue to show that the Earth is warming at an unsustainable rate because of a rise in the release of CO2 and methane gases. Reflect on your daily life. How may the rise of these gases influence how you live your life? What steps can you take to cut down the amount of these gases released into the atmosphere?

Proof of Global Warming in the World: The Inconvenient Truth ONE WORLD. Global climate change protest demonstration strike No Planet B

Climate Change

The documentary entitled “An Inconvenient Truth” is an eye-opening creation about how the Earth changes throughout the year because of global warming. The speaker, Mr. Al Gore, began his speech by pointing out major changes and relative assumptions about the changes in the Earth’s climate. Certain theories are also discussed in this film to explain to everyone how the changes work.  

Many people thought that the earth is so big, that we cannot cause too much harm to it. The Earth is slowly degrading its power to sustain a healthy habitat for all living organisms. The most vulnerable part of the Earth’s ecological system, the atmosphere, is so thin that is why we can change its composition.

Proof of Global Warming in the World: The Inconvenient Truth earth globe picture from space

The science of global warming formation describes how solar radiation in the form of light waves passes through the atmosphere which causes the earth to feel warm. Most of this radiation is absorbed by the Earth and some energy is radiated back into space by the earth in the form of infrared radiation.

Global Warming

The outgoing radiation is trapped by the atmosphere. It is a good thing to keep our planet warm, suitable for us to survive every day. But, because of the massive damages the human-created over the years, it causes the infrared radiation to be trapped more in our atmosphere that leads to global warming.


Gas Emissions

As the carbon emissions increase, the global temperature also rises. In some countries, especially those who are near the equator, experience intense heat waves that worsen over the years because of global warming. Many people died because of heatstroke and dehydration.

In dry countries, many people died because they do not have enough access to clean water. In addition, over a million species is expected to extinct because their habitat is not suitable for them to live with. Human influence also causes more danger to the animal kingdom because of its power to move species around and invade their habitat for land clearing.

Dry country mountain sunlight hot place

The ice caps are melting rapidly due to climate change. Global warming causes more precipitation that leads to bigger storm events because of the evaporation of the oceans that puts all the moisture upon the clouds.

The insurance industry noticed their recovered losses are going up because of the damages from these severe weather events.

The flooding in Asia and India this past July 2004, causes the largest downpour that any city in India has ever received. Also, global warming paradoxically causes not only more floods but also wide drought in some countries.


Typhoons and Cyclones

The sudden changes in the Earth’s atmosphere ruined its ecological balance that causes some natural catastrophes to occur more often. Because the warming of the ocean, causes stronger storms to form.

A lot of hurricanes such as the one that occurred in the Atlantic Ocean 7 years ago, tornados, and typhoons are proof that the natural phenomena are getting stronger as throughout the year.

big typhoon aerial view

It is important to remember that global warming does not just cause a flood, but also severe drought.  Global warming does not just increase the precipitation worldwide, but it also relocates it. The lack of rainfalls and increasing drought made the bodies of water such as the lake Niger to disappeared.


Natural Resources

The emergence of technology has given us tremendous benefits in areas like medicine and communications but this new power that we have also brought a responsibility to think of its consequences.

The new technologies completely transform the consequences of the old habit of humans. that we cannot just mindlessly continue the patterns of it in the same way. We have always exploited the Earth for sustenance for most of our existence, especially the non-renewable resources.


Carbon Footprint

A tree can absorb only 0.07 tons of carbon dioxide per year. It will need 358 trees to offset a person’s annual footprint. Since the average life span of a human is 72.3 years, it will take 26, 207 trees to offset a person’s entire footprint. This calculation includes all the attributes that result in carbon emission.

Trees pollution aftermath of typhoon on the mountains

The rise of carbon dioxide and methane gases can affect our daily life especially our future. The ozone layer is gradually depleting, the Earth’s glacier is rapidly decreasing its area, and the temperature of the countries near the equator is dramatically increasing every year because of the rise of these gases.

Carbon Offset

To cut down the number of toxic gases in our atmosphere, we should look at the idea of the Carbon Offset. It is an activity that compensates for the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere. This action is mostly made by some organizations and companies that release an ample amount of carbon emissions to create products and services. Purchasing a carbon offset enables people and businesses, then, to reduce their carbon footprints.

The average life span of a human is about 72.3 years for both sexes. The company of International Conservation in the United States revealed that the average carbon emission by an average person is approximately 25 tons of carbon annually.


Solution to Global Warming

Other steps to help our Earth, are to do little things like reducing the emissions by using your car less, use trains instead of airplanes, saving energy, 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), plant trees, reducing meat consumption, and eating more fruits and vegetables. There are many simple steps that we can do to save the next generations. We should change our lifestyle now for a better future.

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