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How Many Trees Does It Take to Offset Carbon Footprint of One Human?

How Many Trees Does It Take to Offset Carbon Footprint of One Human?

What is Carbon Offset?

Carbon offset is an activity that compensates for the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere. This action is mostly made by some organizations and companies that release an ample amount of carbon emissions to create products and services. Purchasing a carbon offset enables people and businesses, then, to reduce their carbon footprints.

According to the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), there are approximately 33,587,787,000 tons of Fossil Co2 emissions as of 2010.

Global carbon dioxide emissions by year and sectors – fossils, power, transport, industry


Everybody has carbon footprints. It is from your daily actions just like consuming energy and travelling. It is also derived from the energy and materials used to source and produce the products you buy.


Carbon Footprint Calculation

life expectancy - life span of women and men average by study

The average life span of a human is about 72.3 years for both sexes (Life Expectancy of the World Population, 2020). The company of International Conservation in the United States revealed that the average carbon emission by an average person is approximately 25 tons of carbon annually.


The chart below explains the breakdown of the number of trees it will take to offset a person’s annual footprint.

number of trees it will take to offset a person’s annual footprint



Number Of Trees Needed to Offset Carbon Emission

A tree can absorb only 0.07 tons of carbon dioxide per year. It will need 358 trees to offset a person’s annual footprint. Since the average life span of a human is 72.3 years, it will take 26, 207 trees to offset a person’s entire footprint. This calculation includes all the attributes that result in carbon emission.

To know more about the carbon offsets, visit You can also compute your annual carbon footprint via

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