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What is Product Mix? Definition and Examples

What is Product Mix? Definition and Examples

Product Mix

Definition: Product mix strategy in marketing consists of all products or services that a company offers.

Product Mix: Example

Topic: SMART (digital service provider)

In this example, a digital service provider has a product mix marketing since it has a vast selection of services and products related to its niche. The company has a mix production of intangible services and tangible products.

Example of Product Mix in Marketing Entrepreneurship - Intangible product Tel Com

The company’s products such as internet connectivity are considered intangible products.

What are Intangible products?

Intangible products exist but are impossible to touch. They can only be perceived indirectly.

          Examples of Intangible products:

  • Tax services
  • Cell phone/digital services (Data plan)
  • Franchise agreements
  • Insurance
  • Loan
  • Online credits

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